Kongskilde Industries:
Kongskilde Industries:


MATHO, 10.03.2024

It is important to Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH that our customers and business partners are confident that we handle personal data in a responsible and secure manner in accordance with the GDPR Data Protection Regulation, (EU) 2016/679.

What is personal data
Personal data is all data that can be directly or indirectly related to a currently living person. Typical personal data includes: Civil registration number, name, address, and email address. In addition, photos of people and IP addresses may also be classified as personal data. A Central Business Register number is personal data if it belongs to a sole proprietorship. The GDPR/Data Protection Regulation does not cover legal entities.

When do we handle your personal data?
Personal data is provided and obtained on the home page in connection with a customer relationship. Personal data may also be handled when contacting suppliers, business partners, and other stakeholders. The data is primarily handled by us in connection with entering into, administering and fulfilling agreements that have been entered into, and so that we can fulfill our legal obligations. We collect and handle personal data when you use our support, visit our website, participate in an event arranged by us, or when you make contact with us in any other manner (such as receiving newsletters, downloading product information and product updates, or other online services that we may offer via our website).

What personal data about you do we handle?
Examples of personal data we collect and handle include the following:

  • Contact data such as address, phone number, and email
  • IP-address and data about your use of our website (cookies)
  • Other data provided in job applications

By providing personal data you simultaneously grant consent for Matho to use that data for the above described purposes. You hereby also accept Matho as an authorized handler of your data. If you should choose not to provide your personal data, it will not prevent you from visiting our home page, but it could cut you off from using certain services and going to specific areas of the home page that may require you to log in or register in some other manner. Newsletters and other direct communication will allow the possibility of unsubscribing at any time.

Creating an account on our website
Certain services on our website (download of brochures, etc.) require login and thus the creation of a user account with the provision of a limited number of profile information such as your first and last name, company name, job title, land and e-mail address as well as the creation of your own personal password . The mentioned information – except your password, which only you will know – will be disclosed to the Matho key account region manager for marketing purposes. The marketing will only include direct contact between you and Matho and will not be passed on to third parties. To complete the creation of the user account you will be asked to accept our terms and conditions as described above in this privacy policy. You have the possibility to request to have your user account and profile deleted at any time, by which action the right to contact you is also repealed.

Protection of your personal data
Personal data is stored behind several firewalls on secure servers with restricted access by employees of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH. Matho uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is a standard security technology for establishing a secure connection between the web server and the web browser. This technology ensures that data that passes between the web server and the browser remains private.

We neither sell nor share personal information about you with any type of partner outside of our organization. However, from time to time we use the assistance of a sub-supplier who offers a limited service on behalf of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH. This may be shipping and bundling services, customer support and registration in this connection, or in connection with a customer arrangement. In these cases we only provide the information that is absolutely necessary and our sub-supplier is banned from using the personal data for other purposes. In cases where such assistance or provision of services in accordance with GDPR may require a data processing agreement, we make sure to enter such an agreement with the applicable service provider or sub-supplier.

Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH is a global company and from time to time personal data will be transferred between the main address and subsidiaries inside of or outside of the European Union for the above mentioned purposes and in accordance with applicable law. Personal data will not be passed on to anyone outside of Matho unless consent is granted for this or it is required according to applicable law. In very rare cases Matho may, without prior notice, disclose personal data exclusively if it is required by law or in good faith that such an action is necessary in order for: a) Matho to comply with legal regulations, or b) to protect and defend Matho’s rights and property/properties, including home pages, or c) acting under completely special circumstances to protect Matho and its employees, customers, websites or the public.

In the Matho organization we use the security measures that are necessary to ensure that your personal data is secure against unauthorized use and we provide you with an opportunity to verify the information that you may have shared with us (withdrawing consent).

How do you withdraw your consent?
We give you an opportunity to withdraw your consent for every form of direct contact from us to you in connection with requests for updating products, newsletters, and other direct communication. Consent is either withdrawn by using the link in our electronic contact or by writing to us by email at office@matho.com.

How long do we save your personal data?
Your personal data is only saved for as long as we need it for the purposes of fulfilling the goals that the data is collected for, including for sales statistics. We can save the data for a longer period of time if necessary to fulfill legal requirements to protect our legal interests.

Your rights
Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH is responsible for handling your personal data in accordance with applicable law. At your request or on your own initiative we will correct, render anonymous, delete or supplement data that is determined to be incorrect, incomplete, or misleading. In addition, you can contact us at any time to withdraw information containing your personal data by writing to our person who is responsible for data at office@matho.com.

The Matho website uses so-called cookies. We use the data that is collected and stored during the normal use of our website to ensure function and improve the user experience. Most browsers have a standard setting that accepts the use of cookies, but users of the website can easily prevent the storage of cookies on the computer by using a particular browser setting that will block the cookies or delete already stored cookies. Information about this is described in the browser’s instructions or in the help function that can normally be opened in the computer’s browser.

Copyright / use of materials from the website
Unless stated otherwise, all content at Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH is copyright protected property. Materials that are published at www.matho.com may be downloaded for personal use, however, on the condition that notices of copyright of the material are not removed from the material. The material may not be used for other purposes without the written consent of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH.

Trademarks and patents
All trademarks, logos, and service marks that are displayed at www.matho.com, are registered and un-registered trademarks that belong to Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH. No other businesses may use the trademarks of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH without the written consent of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH. Nothing on the web site may be considered to be permission or license to use a trademark or a patent protected invention that is displayed on the website, without the written consent of Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH.

Links to other websites
Matho’s privacy policy is exclusively limited to covering information obtained at Matho’s own website. All links and references to other websites are only displayed at www.matho.com for informational purposes and additional user friendliness. Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH has not checked these websites and does not assume any responsibility for the correctness or reliability of the content of such pages or for the materials that are placed on or published on these websites.

Handling of personal data when recruiting
When you seek a job with the Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH, we receive and handle a lot of personal data about you. It may be general personal data (such as civil registration number), but it may also be special personal data or data about criminal circumstances. The purpose of collecting the data during the recruiting process is to be able to evaluate whether you are a qualified candidate for a position at the Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH. In that case we are responsible for the personal data about you that we handle.

When you apply by email, you simultaneously accept that we register your personal data, that the information provided is correct, and that you provide your consent for us to use your personal data.

In the following you can read more about what personal data we handle about you when you apply for a job with us.

When we receive your application:
We register personal data that comes from your application, CV, and any other attachments. This is typically name, address, date of birth, sex, phone number, email address, marital status, education, career history, driver’s license, recommendations, and references. We register the data provided in accordance with Article 6 (1) (b) of the Personal Data Regulation, because this involves personal data that you personally sent to us for the purpose of being employed. We specifically evaluate each applicant’s qualifications with respect to the advertised position. After we read the applications, we select candidates for employment interviews. Candidates, who are not being considered, will be informed about this.

If you are selected for an employment interview:
During the employment interviews we often receive additional information about you that we note for use in the rest of the recruiting process. We apply article 6 (1) (b) of the Personal Data Regulation when personal data you provided for the purpose of being employed is involved.

Data obtained from social media:
It may be relevant for us to do a search on social media (such as LinkedIn or job portals) when recruiting for positions that focus on customer and business relationships. In this case we use the balancing of interests rule in Article 6 (1) (f) of the Personal Data Regulation as a basis for obtaining information about candidates from social media. We do this exclusively to be able to evaluate whether your profile fits the business and the specific job.

Data from personality tests:
In connection with recruiting for certain positions, we sometimes use a personality test if it is relevant with respect to the job in question. The purpose is to evaluate specific skills and a profile for the specific position. As a basis for handling this data we apply your consent in accordance with article 6 (1) (a) of the Personal Data Regulation, and therefore you will be asked to grant your consent before the test. You can withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, your withdraw first becomes effective from the time of the withdraw. Therefore, it does not affect the legality of our handling of the data up to the time that you withdraw your consent.

Obtaining a criminal record:
If we have obtained a copy of your criminal record in connection with recruitment, we will delete it as soon as we have registered that we have seen your criminal record.

Data from previous employers:
For some positions it is necessary to obtain references from previous employers. If we obtain references from one or more of your previous employers, we will register the data we receive. For this we apply your consent in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the Personal Data Regulation. Therefore, you will be asked to grant your consent before we contact your previous employer(s). You can withdraw your consent at any time. If you withdraw your consent, your withdraw first becomes effective from the time of the withdraw. Therefore, it does not affect the legality of our handling of the data up to the time that you withdraw your consent.

Residence and work permits:
A condition for employment in Matho Absaugtechnik GmbH is that you have valid work and residence permits. If, due to your citizenship status, you need have to have work and residence permits to legally work in Denmark, we will also obtain a copy of your work and residence permits because we are obligated to guarantee this in accordance with §59, paragraph 5, of the Foreigners Act. We apply 6 (1) c of the Personal Data Regulation for this.

Storage and deletion of job applications:
If your job application is rejected, we will delete your personal data and any results of the personality test/notes etc. at the latest one month after that. If you are employed we will save the data that is part of the recruiting process in your personal file. However, in some situations we would like to save your application even though you were rejected the first time. This would be done for the purpose of potential recruiting later on. If we want to save your application we will ask for your consent to do that and in that case the application will be saved for up to six months unless there is a new consent from you.

Other recipients of your personal data:
In connection with the recruiting process there are other people who will receive your personal data. This may include public officials or suppliers who provide systems and support for administrative functions such as recruiting and temporary job agencies, those who administer personality tests, and public authorities in connection with creating flexible jobs and similar arrangements.

Your rights:
According to legislation in the Personal Data Regulation and Personal Data Act you have several rights. Among other things you have the right to gain access to the information we have about you, the right to have the information about you deleted, and the right to withdraw various consents. If you want to exercise your rights, you are requested to contact us at office@matho.com.

Ongoing changes to our Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update or change our privacy policy on an ongoing basis. However, we will strive to have the applicable version of the privacy policy available on our website at all times.